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A cleft condition is a gap in the lip or roof of the mouth that didn’t close during the early stages of pregnancy. This happens more often than you may realize: It is estimated that, worldwide, a child is born every three minutes with a cleft condition. A cleft may make it difficult to eat, drink and speak. Fortunately, with the right treatment and support, children with cleft conditions can lead happy, healthy lives.
As students experience the ILC, they’ll encounter real-world examples of the subject matter they learn in the classroom – including objectives as outlined in the Virginia Standards of Learning – and they’ll explore potential career opportunities. But, perhaps most importantly, they’ll build meaningful connections with Operation Smile’s patients and learn how to apply their knowledge to make a difference in the lives of others.
3641 Faculty Boulevard
Virginia Beach, VA 23453, United States
Operation Smile is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Contributions are tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules and regulations. ©2023 Operation Smile